
What I use to do my work?


Editor - I use PHPStorm as my main IDE. Although it's slow, it's very convenient for Laravel development. I switched to using Vim lately for most development other than Laravel projects. I'm even typing this blog in Vim.

Terminal - I use Warp after using iTerm 2 for more than 10 years, I like it a lot!

Browser - Since I got my new MBP, I switched to Safari again for almost everything, and use Brave when I need to test Chronium stuff.

Password Management - I use 1Password for password management.on't like the subscription model that 1Password offers now.

Design - Figma + Affinity Designer. I'm happy to have switched from Adobe completely.

Project Management - I use Trello a lot for my projects where clients are involved. I like the visual interface and clients can work with it as well. For my todo's I use Todoist. I once won a lifetime membership in The Next Web Hackathon.

Communication - I use Telegram for IM, I've used Slack a lot but almost every group I attended switched to Discord, so I'm using that now.

Music - I'm using Spotify for daily music. In my office the music is streamed to two Sonos speakers. I like most music as long as there is no autotune.


Computers - My main computer is a 2023 Macbook Pro 14" M2 Max paired with an Apple Studio Display.

Phone - I upgraded to an iPhone 15 Pro, and use it for film and photography as well.

Desk - Since 2013 I've always worked at a desk made of simple plywood which is laminated with Formica. I really really like the quality of this material. I just moved into a new office and ordered a desktop like this again. It sits on a Fully Jarvis frame.

Chair - I bought a secondhand Herman Miller Aeron Chair en fixed it. Best chair ever.

Notebook - I write and sketch in my Moleskine dotted notebook. Although they are expensive, they last long and I like them being hardcover. I always choose the dotted version because they are the most versatile option. I rarely go anywhere without this notebook. Lately I'm using my Ipad Pro as notebook as well.

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